NeTrainSim 0.1.1 beta
The Open-Source Network Trains Simulator
No Matches
energyconsumption.cpp File Reference
#include "traintypes.h"
#include "energyconsumption.h"
#include <cmath>


namespace  EC


double EC::getDriveLineEff (double &trainSpeed, int notchNumberIndex, double powerAtWheelProportion, TrainTypes::PowerType powerType, TrainTypes::LocomotivePowerMethod hybridMethod)
 Gets the drive line efficiency based on train speed, notch number index, power proportion at wheel, power type, and hybrid method.
double EC::getDCBusToTankEff (double powerAtWheelProportion, TrainTypes::PowerType powerType, TrainTypes::LocomotivePowerMethod hybridMethod)
 Gets the DC bus-to-tank efficiency based on power proportion at wheel, power type, and hybrid method.
double EC::getWheelToDCBusEff (double &trainSpeed)
 Gets the wheel-to-DC bus efficiency based on train speed.
double EC::getGeneratorEff (TrainTypes::PowerType powerType, double powerAtWheelProportion)
 Gets the generator efficiency based on power type and power at wheel proportion.
double EC::getBatteryEff (TrainTypes::PowerType powerType)
 Gets the battery efficiency based on power type.
std::pair< double, double > EC::getMaxEffeciencyRange (TrainTypes::PowerType powerType)
 Gets the maximum efficiency range for a given power type.
double EC::getRequiredGeneratorPowerForRecharge (double batterySOC)
 Gets the required generator power percentage for recharging the battery based on battery state of charge.
double EC::getEmissions (double fuelConsumption)
 Gets the CO2 emissions based on fuel consumption.
double EC::getLocomotivePowerReductionFactor (TrainTypes::PowerType powerType)
 Gets the power reduction factor for a given power type.
double EC::getFuelFromEC (TrainTypes::PowerType powerType, double &EC_KWh)
 Gets the fuel consumption in liters for a given energy consumption and power type.
double EC::getFuelFromEC (TrainTypes::CarType carType, double &EC_KWh)
 Gets the fuel consumption in liters for a given energy consumption and car type.
double EC::getFuelConversionFactor (TrainTypes::PowerType powerType)
 Gets the fuel conversion factor for a given power type.
double EC::getFuelConversionFactor (TrainTypes::CarType carType)
 Gets the fuel conversion factor for a given car type.