defines a rail locomotive. More...
#include <locomotive.h>
Public Member Functions | |
Locomotive (double locomotiveMaxPower_kw, double locomotiveTransmissionEfficiency, double locomotiveLength_m, double locomotiveDragCoef, double locomotiveFrontalArea_sqm, double locomotiveWeight_t, int locomotiveNoOfAxiles=DefaultLocomotiveNoOfAxiles, int locomotivePowerType=DefaultLocomotiveType, double locomotiveMaxSpeed_mps=DefaultLocomotiveMaxSpeed, int totalNotches=DefaultLocomotiveNoOfNotches, int locomotiveMaxAchievableNotch=DefaultLocomotiveMaxAcheivableNotch, double locomotiveAuxiliaryPower_kw=EC::DefaultLocomotiveAuxiliaryPower, string locomotiveName=DefaultLocomotiveName, double batteryMaxCharge_kwh=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(), double batteryInitialCharge_perc=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(), double tankMaxCapacity_kg=EC::DefaultLocomotiveTankMaxCapacityDiesel, double tankInitialCapacity_perc=EC::DefaultLocomotiveTankInitialCapacity, double batteryCRate=EC::DefaultLocomotiveBatteryCRate, TrainTypes::LocomotivePowerMethod theHybridMethod=TrainTypes::LocomotivePowerMethod::notApplicable) | |
! | |
string | getPowerTypeString () |
Gets power type as a string. | |
TrainTypes::PowerType | getPowerTypeEnum (string powertype) |
Gets power type as an enum. | |
double | getHyperbolicThrottleCoef (double &trainSpeed) |
Gets hyperbolic throttle coef. | |
double | getlamdaDiscretized (double &lamda) |
Get lamda discretized. | |
double | getDiscretizedThrottleCoef (double &trainSpeed) |
Gets discretized throttle coef. | |
double | getThrottleLevel (double &trainSpeed, bool &optimize, double &optimumThrottleLevel) |
Gets the throttle level the locomotive should move by. | |
double | getResistance (double trainSpeed) override |
Gets the resistance this locomotive is contributing to the whole train. | |
double | getTractiveForce (double &frictionCoef, double &trainSpeed, bool &optimize, double &optimumThrottleLevel) |
Gets tractive force that this locomotive can generate by the current speed and notch level. | |
double | getNetForce (double &frictionCoef, double &trainAcceleration, bool &optimize, double &optimumThrottleLevel) |
Gets net force. | |
double | getSharedVirtualTractivePower (double &trainSpeed, double &trainAcceleration, double &sharedWeight, double &sharedResistance) |
Gets shared virtual tractive power. | |
double | getRegenerativeEffeciency (double &LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower, double &trainAcceleration, double &trainSpeed) |
get the regenerative effeciency at that speed when decelerating | |
double | getEnergyConsumptionAtDCBus (double &LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower, double &trainAcceleration, double &trainSpeed, double &timeStep) |
get the Energy Consumption At DC Bus | |
double | getEnergyConsumptionAtTank (double &LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower, double &trainSpeed, double EnergyConsumptionAtDCBus) |
get the Energy Consumption At Tank | |
double | getEnergyConsumption (double &LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower, double &acceleration, double &speed, double &timeStep) |
Gets energy consumption of this locomotive. | |
std::pair< bool, double > | consumeFuel (double timeStep, double trainSpeed, double EC_kwh, double LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(), double dieselConversionFactor=EC::DefaultDieselConversionFactor, double bioDieselConversionFactor=EC::DefaultBiodieselConversionFactor, double hydrogenConversionFactor=EC::DefaultHydrogenConversionFactor, double dieselDensity=EC::DefaultDieselDensity, double bioDieselDensity=EC::DefaultBioDieselDensity, double hydrogenDensity=EC::DefaultHydrogenDensity) override |
Consume the locomotive fuel. | |
double | getMaxRechargeEnergy (double timeStep, double trainSpeed, double LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower) |
Get the max energy the locomotive can regenerate. | |
double | getUsedPowerPortion (double trainSpeed, double LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower) |
getUsedPowerPortion | |
void | rechargeBatteryByMaxFlow (double timeStep, double trainSpeed, double powerPortion, double fuelConversionFactor, double fuelDensity, double LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower, std::function< std::pair< bool, double >(double, double, double)> ConsumeFuelFunc) |
std::pair< bool, double > | consumeEnergyFromHybridTechnology (double timeStep, double trainSpeed, double powerPortion, double EC_kwh, double fuelConversionFactor, double fuelDensity, double LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower, std::function< std::pair< bool, double >(double, double, double)> ConsumeFuelFunc) |
Vector< double > | defineThrottleLevels () |
Define throttle levels. | |
void | updateLocNotch (double &trainSpeed) |
Updates the location notch described by trainSpeed. | |
void | reducePower (double &reductionFactor) |
reduce the power that the locomotive is producing by reducing the notch position to a lower position. | |
void | resetPowerRestriction () |
reset lower power restriction on the locomotive. | |
double | getMaxProvidedEnergy (double &timeStep) |
getMaxProvidedEnergy | |
double | canProvideEnergy (double &EC, double &timeStep) |
check if the locomotive can provide required energy | |
![]() | |
virtual double | getResistance (double trainSpeed) |
Gets the resistance applied on only this vehicle. | |
virtual void | resetTimeStepConsumptions () |
Resets the energy consumptions data for the current time step. | |
virtual void | setCurrentWeight (double newCurrentWeight) |
sets the current weight of the vehicle | |
virtual std::pair< bool, double > | consumeFuelDiesel (double EC_kwh, double dieselConversionFactor, double dieselDensity) |
consume the locomotive diesel fuel. | |
virtual std::pair< bool, double > | consumeFuelBioDiesel (double EC_kwh, double bioDieselConversionFactor, double bioDieselDensity) |
consume the locomotive bio diesel fuel. | |
virtual std::pair< bool, double > | consumeElectricity (double timeStep, double EC_kwh) |
consume any source of electricity in the locomotive; either the catenary or the batteries. | |
virtual std::pair< bool, double > | consumeFuelHydrogen (double EC_kwh, double hydrogenConversionFactor, double hydrogenDensity) |
consume the locomotive hydrogen fuel. | |
virtual double | refillBattery (double timeStep, double EC_kwh) |
refill the locomtoive battery | |
virtual bool | rechargeCatenary (double EC_kwh) |
Rechage catenary and grid system if they are available. | |
virtual std::pair< bool, double > | consumeFuel (double timeStep, double trainSpeed, double EC_kwh, double LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN(), double dieselConversionFactor=EC::DefaultDieselConversionFactor, double biodieselConversionFactor=EC::DefaultBiodieselConversionFactor, double hydrogenConversionFactor=EC::DefaultHydrogenConversionFactor, double dieselDensity=EC::DefaultDieselDensity, double biodieselDensity=EC::DefaultBioDieselDensity, double hydrogenDensity=EC::DefaultHydrogenDensity) |
Consume fuel or battery from the vehicle. | |
![]() | |
void | setBattery (double maxCharge, double initialChargePercentage, double depthOfDischarge, double batteryCRate, double maxRechargeSOC=0.9, double minRechargeSOC=0.5) |
Sets the battery properties. | |
double | getBatteryMaxCharge () const |
Gets the maximum charge of the battery. | |
void | setBatteryMaxCharge (double newMaxCharge) |
Sets the maximum charge of the battery. | |
double | getBatteryInitialCharge () const |
Gets the initial charge of the battery. | |
void | setBatteryInitialCharge (double newInitialCharge) |
Sets the initial charge of the battery. | |
double | getBatteryCurrentCharge () const |
Gets the current charge of the battery. | |
std::pair< bool, double > | consumeBattery (double timeStep, double consumedCharge) |
Consumes charge from the battery. | |
double | rechargeBatteryForHybrids (double timeStep, double recharge) |
Recharges the battery for hybrid vehicles. | |
double | rechargeBatteryByRegeneratedEnergy (double timeStep, double recharge) |
Recharges the battery by regenerated energy. | |
double | getBatteryStateOfCharge () const |
Gets the state of charge of the battery. | |
double | getBatteryDOD () const |
Gets the depth of discharge of the battery. | |
void | setBatteryDOD (double newBatteryDOD) |
Sets the depth of discharge of the battery. | |
double | getBatteryCRate () const |
Gets the C-Rate of discharge for the battery. | |
void | setBatteryCRate (double newBatteryCRate) |
Sets the C-Rate of discharge for the battery. | |
bool | isBatteryDrainable (double requiredCharge) |
Checks if the battery can be drained by the required charge. | |
bool | isBatteryRechargable () |
Checks if the battery can be recharged. | |
double | getBatteryMaxDischarge (double timeStep) |
Gets the maximum discharge of the battery. | |
double | getBatteryMaxRecharge (double timeStep) |
Gets the maximum recharge of the battery. | |
bool | isRechargeRequired () const |
Checks if the battery requires a recharge. | |
double | getBatteryRechargeSOCUpperBound () const |
Gets the upper bound of the battery's recharge state of charge. | |
void | setBatteryRechargeSOCUpperBound (double newBatteryMaxSOC) |
Sets the upper bound of the battery's recharge state of charge. | |
double | getBatteryRechargeSOCLowerBound () const |
Gets the lower bound of the battery's recharge state of charge. | |
void | setBatteryRechargeSOCLowerBound (double newBatteryRechargeSOCLowerBound) |
Sets the lower bound of the battery's recharge state of charge. | |
double | getBatteryCumEnergyConsumption () |
Gets the cumulative energy consumption for this battery only. | |
double | getBatteryCumEnergyRegenerated () |
Gets the cumulative energy regenerated for this battery only. | |
double | getBatteryCumNetEnergyConsumption () |
Gets the cumulative net energy consumption for this battery. | |
bool | batteryHasCharge () |
Checks if the battery has enough charge. | |
bool | IsBatteryExceedingThresholds () |
Checks if the battery exceeds certain thresholds. | |
![]() | |
void | SetTank (double maxCapacity, double initialCapacityPercentage, double depthOfDischarge) |
Set the main properties of the tank (initialize the tank) | |
double | getTankMaxCapacity () const |
Gets the maximum capacity of the tank. | |
void | setTankMaxCapacity (double newMaxCapacity) |
Sets the maximum capacity of the tank. | |
double | getTankInitialCapacity () const |
Gets the initial capacity of the tank. | |
void | setTankInitialCapacity (double newInitialCapacityPercentage) |
Sets the initial capacity of the tank. | |
double | getTankCurrentCapacity () const |
Gets the current capacity of the tank. | |
double | consumeTank (double consumedAmount) |
Consumes fuel from the tank. | |
double | getTankStateOfCapacity () const |
Gets the state of capacity of the tank. | |
bool | isTankDrainable (double consumedAmount) |
Checks if the specified amount of fuel is drainable from the tank. | |
double | getTankDOD () const |
Gets the depth of discharge of the tank. | |
void | setTankDOD (double newTankDOD) |
Sets the depth of discharge of the tank. | |
bool | tankHasFuel () |
Checks if the tank has fuel (current capacity > 0) | |
double | getTankCumConsumedFuel () const |
Gets the total amount of fuel consumed from the tank. | |
Public Attributes | |
double | maxPower |
The max power of the locomotive in kw. | |
double | currentTractiveForce = 0.0 |
The tractive forces of this time step. | |
double | transmissionEfficiency |
Transmission effeciency of the locomotive. | |
TrainTypes::PowerType | powerType |
The type of the car. | |
TrainTypes::LocomotivePowerMethod | hybridMethod |
the hybrid technology whether it is series or paralletl. | |
double | maxSpeed |
Current used notch max speed. | |
bool | isLocOn = true |
Decide if the locomotive is adding power to the train. | |
int | Nmax = 8 |
Number of notches the locomotives have. | |
int | maxLocNotch = 0 |
The max notch the locomotive is allowed to achieve, if zero, then use all notches. | |
int | currentLocNotch = 0 |
The current notch the locomotive is going by. | |
double | locPowerReductionFactor = 1.0 |
The forced lower power factor to the locomotive in case lower energy consumption is required. | |
Vector< double > | discritizedLamda |
The discretized throttlelevels. | |
double | throttleLevel |
The current throttle level based on the current notch. | |
Vector< double > | throttleLevels |
The throttle levels. | |
const double | g = 9.8067 |
(Immutable) the gravitation acceleration | |
double | usedPowerPortion = 0.0 |
![]() | |
std::string | name |
The name of the vehicle. | |
double | length |
Length of the vehicle in meter. | |
double | trackCurvature |
The current curvature the vehicle is experiencing. | |
double | trackGrade |
The current grade the vehicle is experiencing. | |
double | dragCoef |
The air drag factor for aerodynamics resistance. | |
double | frontalArea |
The total frontal area of the vehicle for the aerodynamics resistance. | |
double | currentWeight |
The gross weight of the vehicle when the train is travelling. | |
double | emptyWeight |
The light weight of the vehicle when the train is travelling. | |
int | noOfAxiles |
The number of axiles the car has. | |
double | auxiliaryPower |
Auxiliary power. | |
double | energyConsumed = 0.0 |
The amount of energy consumed in kwh. | |
double | cumEnergyConsumed = 0.0 |
The amount of cummulative energy consumed in kwh. | |
double | energyRegenerated = 0.0 |
The amount of energy regenerated in kwh. | |
double | cumEnergyRegenerated = 0.0 |
The amount of cummulative energy regenerated in kwh. | |
std::shared_ptr< NetLink > | hostLink |
Holds the current link this vehicle is on. | |
Friends | |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &ostr, Locomotive &stud) |
Stream insertion operator. | |
defines a rail locomotive.
This class inherits the TrainComponent class.
The locomotive provide power to the train unlike the railcar. locomotives can have different powertrains (different technologies). For every technology, there is an associated effeciencies and conversion factors. These conversion factors and efficiencies are accessible from the EC namespace. The locomotive may have a battery and/or tank based on its type. once the locomotive's stored power is low. the locomotive attempts to request energy from the tenders if available. if not, the locomotive is turned off.
Locomotive::Locomotive | ( | double | locomotiveMaxPower_kw, |
double | locomotiveTransmissionEfficiency, | ||
double | locomotiveLength_m, | ||
double | locomotiveDragCoef, | ||
double | locomotiveFrontalArea_sqm, | ||
double | locomotiveWeight_t, | ||
int | locomotiveNoOfAxiles = DefaultLocomotiveNoOfAxiles , |
int | locomotivePowerType = DefaultLocomotiveType , |
double | locomotiveMaxSpeed_mps = DefaultLocomotiveMaxSpeed , |
int | totalNotches = DefaultLocomotiveNoOfNotches , |
int | locomotiveMaxAchievableNotch = DefaultLocomotiveMaxAcheivableNotch , |
double | locomotiveAuxiliaryPower_kw = EC::DefaultLocomotiveAuxiliaryPower , |
string | locomotiveName = DefaultLocomotiveName , |
double | batteryMaxCharge_kwh = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() , |
double | batteryInitialCharge_perc = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() , |
double | tankMaxCapacity_kg = EC::DefaultLocomotiveTankMaxCapacityDiesel , |
double | tankInitialCapacity_perc = EC::DefaultLocomotiveTankInitialCapacity , |
double | batteryCRate = EC::DefaultLocomotiveBatteryCRate , |
TrainTypes::LocomotivePowerMethod | theHybridMethod = TrainTypes::LocomotivePowerMethod::notApplicable |
) |
the constructor for the locomotive class
the constructor sets the definition of the locomotive and initialize its default values.
locomotiveMaxPower_kw | The locomotive maximum power kw. |
locomotiveTransmissionEfficiency | The locomotive transmission efficiency. |
locomotiveLength_m | The locomotive length m. |
locomotiveDragCoef | The locomotive drag coef. |
locomotiveFrontalArea_sqm | The locomotive frontal area sqm. |
locomotiveWeight_t | The locomotive weight. |
locomotiveNoOfAxiles | (Optional) The locomotive no of axiles. |
locomotivePowerType | (Optional) Type of the locomotive power. |
locomotiveMaxSpeed_mps | (Optional) The locomotive maximum speed mps. |
totalNotches | (Optional) The total notches. |
locomotiveMaxAchievableNotch | (Optional) The locomotive maximum achievable notch. |
locomotiveAuxiliaryPower_kw | (Optional) The locomotive auxiliary power kw. |
locomotiveName | (Optional) Name of the locomotive. |
batteryMaxCharge_kwh | (Optional) The battery maximum charge kwh. |
batteryInitialCharge_perc | (Optional) The battery initial charge perc. |
tankMaxCapacity_kg | (Optional) The tank maximum capacity kilograms. |
tankInitialCapacity_perc | (Optional) The tank initial capacity perc. |
double Locomotive::canProvideEnergy | ( | double & | EC, |
double & | timeStep | ||
) |
std::pair< bool, double > Locomotive::consumeEnergyFromHybridTechnology | ( | double | timeStep, |
double | trainSpeed, | ||
double | powerPortion, | ||
double | EC_kwh, | ||
double | fuelConversionFactor, | ||
double | fuelDensity, | ||
double | LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower, | ||
std::function< std::pair< bool, double >(double, double, double)> | ConsumeFuelFunc | ||
) |
overridevirtual |
Consume the locomotive fuel.
If the locomotive does not have the necessary power to continue, It searches for the power from any other tender. if there is no tenders available, the locomotive is shut down.
timeStep | The simulator time step in seconds. |
trainSpeed | The speed of the train in m/s. |
EC_kwh | The energy consumption in kwh. |
isOffGrid | True if is off grid, false if not. |
dieselConversionFactor | (Optional) The diesel conversion factor that convert from kwh to liters. |
bioDieselConversionFactor | (Optional) The biodiesel conversion factor that convert from kwh to liters. |
hydrogenConversionFactor | (Optional) The hydrogen conversion factor that convert from kWh to liters. |
dieselDensity | (Optional) The diesel density in kg/liter. |
biodieselDensity | (Optional) The biodiesel density in kg/liter. |
hydrogenDensity | (Optional) The hydrogen density in kg/liter. |
Reimplemented from TrainComponent.
Vector< double > Locomotive::defineThrottleLevels | ( | ) |
double Locomotive::getDiscretizedThrottleCoef | ( | double & | trainSpeed | ) |
Gets discretized throttle coef.
for more details refer to the published paper. [Aredah], A.; Fadhloun, K.; Rakha, H.; List, G. NeTrainSim: A Network Freight Train Simulator for Estimating Energy/ Fuel Consumption. Preprints 2022, 2022080518. preprints202208.0518.v1.
[in,out] | trainSpeed | The train speed. |
double Locomotive::getEnergyConsumption | ( | double & | LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower, |
double & | acceleration, | ||
double & | speed, | ||
double & | timeStep | ||
) |
Gets energy consumption of this locomotive.
[in,out] | LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower | The locomotive virtual tractive power. |
[in,out] | speed | The train speed in m/s. |
[in,out] | acceleration | The train acceleration in m/s^2. |
[in,out] | timeStep | The simulator time step in seconds. |
double Locomotive::getEnergyConsumptionAtDCBus | ( | double & | LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower, |
double & | trainAcceleration, | ||
double & | trainSpeed, | ||
double & | timeStep | ||
) |
get the Energy Consumption At DC Bus
LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower | |
trainAcceleration | |
trainSpeed | |
timeStep |
double Locomotive::getEnergyConsumptionAtTank | ( | double & | LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower, |
double & | trainSpeed, | ||
double | EnergyConsumptionAtDCBus | ||
) |
get the Energy Consumption At Tank
LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower | |
trainSpeed | |
EnergyConsumptionAtDCBus |
double Locomotive::getHyperbolicThrottleCoef | ( | double & | trainSpeed | ) |
Gets hyperbolic throttle coef.
refer to the published paper for more details. [Aredah], A.; Fadhloun, K.; Rakha, H.; List, G. NeTrainSim: A Network Freight Train Simulator for Estimating Energy/Fuel Consumption. Preprints 2022, 2022080518. preprints202208.0518.v1.
[in,out] | trainSpeed | The train speed in m/s. |
double Locomotive::getlamdaDiscretized | ( | double & | lamda | ) |
Get lamda discretized.
for more details refer to the published paper.
this function discretize the continous throttle level function 'getHyperbolicThrottleCoef' [Aredah], A.; Fadhloun, K.; Rakha, H.; List, G. NeTrainSim: A Network Freight Train Simulator for Estimating Energy/Fuel Consumption. Preprints 2022, 2022080518. preprints202208.0518.v1.
[in,out] | lamda | The throttle level coefficient (as a continuous value). This comes from the @getHyper |
double Locomotive::getMaxProvidedEnergy | ( | double & | timeStep | ) |
timeStep |
double Locomotive::getMaxRechargeEnergy | ( | double | timeStep, |
double | trainSpeed, | ||
double | LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower | ||
) |
Get the max energy the locomotive can regenerate.
this depends on the max power from the generator can produce.
timeStep | |
trainSpeed | |
LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower |
double Locomotive::getNetForce | ( | double & | frictionCoef, |
double & | trainAcceleration, | ||
bool & | optimize, | ||
double & | optimumThrottleLevel | ||
) |
Gets net force.
[in,out] | frictionCoef | The friction coef of the rail. |
[in,out] | trainSpeed | The train speed in m/s. |
[in,out] | optimize | True to optimize. |
[in,out] | optimumThrottleLevel | The optimum throttle level in cae of optimization is enabled. |
TrainTypes::PowerType Locomotive::getPowerTypeEnum | ( | string | powertype | ) |
Gets power type as an enum.
powertype | The powertype of the locomotive. |
string Locomotive::getPowerTypeString | ( | ) |
Gets power type as a string.
double Locomotive::getRegenerativeEffeciency | ( | double & | LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower, |
double & | trainAcceleration, | ||
double & | trainSpeed | ||
) |
get the regenerative effeciency at that speed when decelerating
LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower | |
trainAcceleration | |
trainSpeed |
overridevirtual |
Gets the resistance this locomotive is contributing to the whole train.
trainSpeed | The train speed in m/s. |
Reimplemented from TrainComponent.
double Locomotive::getSharedVirtualTractivePower | ( | double & | trainSpeed, |
double & | trainAcceleration, | ||
double & | sharedWeight, | ||
double & | sharedResistance | ||
) |
Gets shared virtual tractive power.
The virtual power is the power when the train is on a negative slope.
[in,out] | trainSpeed | The train speed in m/s. |
[in,out] | trainAcceleration | The train acceleration in m/s^2. |
[in,out] | sharedWeight | The shared weight is the weight this locomotive is pulling. It includes the portion of the train weight this locomotive is responsible for. |
[in,out] | sharedResistance | The shared resistance. This includes the portion of the train resistance, this locomotiv is responsible for. |
double Locomotive::getThrottleLevel | ( | double & | trainSpeed, |
bool & | optimize, | ||
double & | optimumThrottleLevel | ||
) |
Gets the throttle level the locomotive should move by.
for more details refer to the published paper. [Aredah], A.; Fadhloun, K.; Rakha, H.; List, G. NeTrainSim: A Network Freight Train Simulator for Estimating Energy/ Fuel Consumption. Preprints 2022, 2022080518. preprints202208.0518.v1.
[in,out] | trainSpeed | The train speed in m/s. |
[in,out] | optimize | True to optimize. |
[in,out] | optimumThrottleLevel | The optimum throttle level in case the optimization is enabled. |
double Locomotive::getTractiveForce | ( | double & | frictionCoef, |
double & | trainSpeed, | ||
bool & | optimize, | ||
double & | optimumThrottleLevel | ||
) |
Gets tractive force that this locomotive can generate by the current speed and notch level.
[in,out] | frictionCoef | The friction coef of the rail. |
[in,out] | trainSpeed | The train speed in m/s. |
[in,out] | optimize | True to optimize. |
[in,out] | optimumThrottleLevel | The optimum throttle level in case of optimization is eneabled. |
double Locomotive::getUsedPowerPortion | ( | double | trainSpeed, |
double | LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower | ||
) |
trainSpeed | |
LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower |
void Locomotive::rechargeBatteryByMaxFlow | ( | double | timeStep, |
double | trainSpeed, | ||
double | powerPortion, | ||
double | fuelConversionFactor, | ||
double | fuelDensity, | ||
double | LocomotiveVirtualTractivePower, | ||
std::function< std::pair< bool, double >(double, double, double)> | ConsumeFuelFunc | ||
) |
void Locomotive::reducePower | ( | double & | reductionFactor | ) |
reduce the power that the locomotive is producing by reducing the notch position to a lower position.
if the locomotive could reduce the notch position to a lower position, reduce it. O.W, turn the locomotive off in case the locomotive was already moving by the notch 1.
void Locomotive::resetPowerRestriction | ( | ) |
reset lower power restriction on the locomotive.
void Locomotive::updateLocNotch | ( | double & | trainSpeed | ) |
Updates the location notch described by trainSpeed.
[in,out] | trainSpeed | The train speed in m/s. |
friend |
Stream insertion operator.
[in,out] | ostr | The ostr. |
[in,out] | stud | The stud. |
int Locomotive::currentLocNotch = 0 |
The current notch the locomotive is going by.
double Locomotive::currentTractiveForce = 0.0 |
The tractive forces of this time step.
Vector<double> Locomotive::discritizedLamda |
The discretized throttlelevels.
const double Locomotive::g = 9.8067 |
(Immutable) the gravitation acceleration
TrainTypes::LocomotivePowerMethod Locomotive::hybridMethod |
the hybrid technology whether it is series or paralletl.
bool Locomotive::isLocOn = true |
Decide if the locomotive is adding power to the train.
double Locomotive::locPowerReductionFactor = 1.0 |
The forced lower power factor to the locomotive in case lower energy consumption is required.
int Locomotive::maxLocNotch = 0 |
The max notch the locomotive is allowed to achieve, if zero, then use all notches.
double Locomotive::maxPower |
The max power of the locomotive in kw.
double Locomotive::maxSpeed |
Current used notch max speed.
int Locomotive::Nmax = 8 |
Number of notches the locomotives have.
TrainTypes::PowerType Locomotive::powerType |
The type of the car.
double Locomotive::throttleLevel |
The current throttle level based on the current notch.
Vector<double> Locomotive::throttleLevels |
The throttle levels.
double Locomotive::transmissionEfficiency |
Transmission effeciency of the locomotive.
double Locomotive::usedPowerPortion = 0.0 |